Frequently asked questions
- Do your profiles work on Macs ?
- Can you profile....Lasers/Dye subs/Canvas ?
- Can you profile....Sublimation inks/Transparent materials ?
- Telephone support ?
- Do you take credit cards ?
- Do you support Linux ?
Yes, many of our customers use Macs and we have a Mac system here to help with any support issues, but the majority of our customers use Windows PCs which is why our screen shots show Windows systems.
Yes, we successfully profile all of these products, but it's important that the printer driver is able to switch off colour management to print out the targets correctly.
We have a range of non standard targets for use with printers that have smaller maximum size print areas like dye subs. Please read our page about profiling non-standard materials.
Unfortunately not, results can be very variable, dependant on the ink systems and substrate used. We've found over the years that some systems can profile well and deliver good predictable results, but others will give unexpected and inaccurate results.
The problem seems to be a lack of linearity in the ink's output. The problems are often within very narrow colour ranges that fail to get noticed in the profiling process. In practice the end result of this is that often the general results are not very acceptable, with some particular colour ranges shifting unacceptably. This can be a serious problem for companies that are trying to produce spot colours accurately for logos and other specific graphic elements in designs. A further problem is that the soft proof from the profile also won't indicate these particular colour ranges in advance.
No, you can't contact us by telephone. We're sorry but offering telephone support would add greatly to our costs and the vast majority of issues are resolved easily and quickly by email. By giving email support customers also have a permanent written solution to their problem, often with helpful screen shots or extra documentation, that they can refer to at any future time.
Yes. Our payment page takes you to a secure page on PayPal's site. This allows payment via credit, debit card without needing to set up a PayPal account. PayPal account holders can also pay directly via the PayPal account if they wish.
We also remain very happy to accept cheques.
We're happy to build profiles for experienced Linux users, but there are too many variations in Linux distributions, none of which natively support colour management yet, mean it's impossible for us to provide a level of support for Linux users that we would like to.