ColourProfiles.com is devoted to helping discerning photographers get the best quality colour output from their digital darkrooms.
Experienced digital photographers will already know of colour management and appreciate the need for accurate colour profiles to ensure precision output.
Although some web sites on colour management manage to make it sound very difficult and complex, using colour management is actually very simple. Please use the links on the left to learn more.
We supply high quality, custom made printer profiles - at an affordable cost - to enable photographers to reliably deliver matched colour output from their printers with their preferred choice of paper and ink.
For normal photo paper profiles we're now using an X-Rite i1Isis auto spectrophotometer. This is an extraordinarily good spectrophotometer that has a significantly higher accuracy than the handheld spectrophotometers we use for thicker materials like canvas and other non-standard materials.
The Isis is able to measure smaller, more closely spaced, patches with very high degrees of accuracy, so we've been able to create a custom 1005 patch target that fits onto a single A4 sheet of paper. Although only using a single page there are more patches than most other three page target sets and we've added a wider range of neutral grey patches to help deliver particularly good monochrome performance.
For our customers this means that not only do they get even better performing profiles, but they don't need to use as many sheets of potentially expensive photo paper.
We can not only profile any desktop inkjet printer from Epson, Canon or HP, but also the wide carriage printers like the Epson 7900 and 9900. Plus we can also profile colour laser printers and dye-subs. See our page about profiling special materials.
Our printer profiles are suitable for both Windows and Apple Mac systems. Throughout the site we have used screen shots from Windows based software, but most aspects of colour management are similar on both operating systems.
Please use our glossary page to explain any terms you may be unfamiliar with.
Colourprofiles.com is based in Great Britain, but we also supply profiles to customers around the world. We can take international payments via credit card, debit card or PayPal and normally return your profile within 24 hours.
To get a custom printer profile from us you just need to print out a single page target and send it to us, we'll then email you the profile within 24 hours of it's arrival at our office.
News; April 2023
No longer VAT registered
As from 1st April 2023 we will no longer be VAT registered. We're sorry that this will a small increase in cost to our professional clients who are VAT regitered, but it will help us to keep our price the same for the majority of our customers who aren't able to reclaim VAT.
Printing our targets with Mac Big Sur
We've become aware of problems with the latest Apple 'Big Sur' software not working with the prefered Adobe Color Printer utility for printing printer profiling targets.
Please contact us for details of a workround to this problem.
Adobe Photoshop CS5, CS5.5, CS6, CC Adobe's latest versions of Photoshop since CS5 have changed a long standing feature of colour management in it's print process. The new versions have removed the 'no colour management option when printing which we normally ask our customers to use when printing their profiling targets.
Adobe have now released a free utility to print printer profiling targets without using CS5 or later. Please read about it here
Fourth profile free
If you order three profiles from us, you'll get a fourth profile completely free of charge. You don't need to order all four at the same time, try us for one and then order the other three when you find out how great our profiles are.
This brings the effective price per profile down to just £11.25